Misty Kingma, News Broadcaster, Producer, Red Carpet Interviewer, Music Show Host, Travel Show Host, Infomercial Host. Misty hosted Countdown Los Angeles on KCAL9 and guest hosted on The Young Turks YouTube channel. Misty has interviewed some of the biggest stars around the globe such as: Katy Perry, Usher, Christina Aguilera, Matt Damon, Jodie Foster. Interview May 24, 2013
1. What is going on in the wonderful world of interviews Misty for 2013?
What isn’t going on? I cover all the music news for Clevver TV’s music channel Clevver Music (all on YouTube). This includes reality singing show interviews so this week I chatted with ‘The Voice’ contestants, and I just got back from the Billboard Awards in Las Vegas this weekend. In addition to that, I did a bunch of in studio interviews including Cymphonique, Secret State, Devon Werkeiser, and MKTO. PHEW!
2. When did you decide in your life to become a journalist?
I always knew I had a penchant for writing and that I was extra curious, so I think I always knew I wanted to do journalism. But it was a conscious decision right AFTER I graduated college with a business degree that I decided to pursue it. Smart.
3. I am sure in the land of Hollywood time is precious. How do you manage your time?
Balance is the key. You gotta make sure you take time to relax! But really, it is a mixture of planning ahead and knowing when to say ‘no’ to opportunities. (And having great interns)
4. You are known as a cutie in the interview world. When did you decide to wear your cute glasses as a trademark?

Haha! Thanks. Since I was a kid I always loved wearing fake glasses. In 2009 I realized I actually needed glasses to read a teleprompter and I’ve been wearing them ever since. My current signature Ray Bans (yes they are real!) I’ve been wearing since 2010.
5. Besides working hard in the industry. What would be the things in life you enjoy the most?
Well I actually love working more than anything, except maybe traveling and doing some weird dancing. And I like to try new things– I’ll try anything once.
6. Is there a big difference between the movie world and music world for the industry?
Yeah I think there’s a huge difference! I don’t know anything about movies.
7. What could we find interesting in your Music collection today?
One of my favorite songs right now is a collaboration between Fall Out Boy and Elton John called “Save Rock and Roll” which I don’t think many people even know about.
8. How far do you travel to get your work accomplished and to get good interviews?
Distance wise the farthest I’ve traveled so far is to Las Vegas, but my coworkers go all over the world! I’m hoping to go to the VMAs this summer in Brooklyn.
9. Someday do you see a biography being written about the experiences you acquired or will acquire in your life?

I’ve never thought about that! I think I’d rather write the book myself as an autobiography. My way or the highway, ya know?
10. Where do you see the Music industry in 100 years from now?
All mp3 players, CDs, computers are gone. Personal music libraries will live on a memory chip in our brain.
11. Any words for journalist and interviewers starting out?
If you don’t write everyday, do that. And start a blog that shows your personality and writing style. It’s much better than a resume! You should definitely be using Twitter because people will also look to that for your point of view. Interview styles vary, but I like to adopt a casual vibe to make the interviewee feel comfortable. I also try to approach talent as a fan of them, not as a reporter trying to get a story.
Extra questions with Misty Kingma
Life without music would be: mean
Favorite movie: Sister Act 2
Favorite sport: freestyle dancing
Favorite food: grilled cheeeeese!
Favorite drink: mimosas
Favorite saying: Darling, be daring!
Favorite car: I don’t know!
Favorite book: Harry Potter
Favorite band: c’mon that’s hard
Star Wars or Star Trek: Wars
PC or Mac: Mac Lady for life
Check out Misty Kingma Online https://www.facebook.com/MistyKingmaOfficial/