Awkward band and musician photos exclusive interview with Ollie Abamp.
1. What is going on in the wonderful world of Awkward Band and Musician Photos for 2013?
Well it’s all going on at the minute, the website will be online very soon and I’m working on a merch line too. I’m also going to be looking for a publisher to work with and hopefully release a coffee table book featuring all the best loved posts from the page.
2. When did you decide to create the awesome Facebook page? Also in it’s beginning stages did you ever think to yourself wow this is gonna be huge?
Well I started the page at the end of August 2012, it was a real spur of the moment decision. I played on a radio show and another guy was performing too, after the show I checked him out on Facebook and he had some hilarious promo shots. I was already aware of the Awkward Family Photos range and I just wondered if the same had been done for musicians…it hadn’t…so I jumped right on it and created the page. I thought the page would just be somewhere to have a laugh with my musician mates, I never thought in a million years it would take off like it did.
3. How often do you dig in discount bins for old records with interesting artwork and do you ever listen to them?
All the time. haha. I have to go in every charity shop and second hand store I pass now just to look through the records. I’ve found some real gems before and posted them on the page. I usually give them a quick listen but most of the time they get taken straight off the turntable. haha
4. Do you think someday all of the obscure art work ever released will be featured on your site?
I would like to hope so, but I doubt it. There are so many out there from so many different countries, but the fans of the page always help out by sending in any awkward finds they come across. I always think I’ve seen it all, then a fan sends in something that blows my mind.
5. What would be some of your favorite treasures in the music world?
Some of my best loved albums would be Meat Loaf – Bat out of hell II, Pantera – Cowboys from hell, Ozzy Osbourne – No more tears and Bon Jovi – New Jersey. I can listen to all those albums without skipping a track.
6. When will we see an official Awkward Band and Musicians Photos home page online?

Hopefully it will be online in the next couple of weeks, I’m just making sure everything is perfect and that the merch line is top quality before the launch.
7. How many hours in a day did you spend in the beginning and now on the Facebook page?
Well in the beginning I was on it all the time….something my girlfriend wasn’t very happy about. She still says that the guy from the radio show has a lot to answer for. haha…. but it was very exciting for me when the page started going viral. Now I just pop on it in the morning for a post and later in the afternoon, then I just check in now and again to have a laugh at everyone’s comments and to ban any cock dickers that are kicking off. haha
8. What instruments do you play and what were some of your bands you played in?
I’m music mad so I’m a bit of a multi-instrumentalist, I play guitar, drums, bass and piano. As for bands I’ve been in quite a few, but two of the main ones were Phluid and Slash Vegas. Both of those bands did plenty of touring, got good reviews and we got to support some pretty big bands. I got to share a stage with one of my guitar heros Warren DeMartini when Slash Vegas supported Ratt. I’ve also done some session work and worked with some washed up deluded ex rock and pop stars…..I take the piss out of on them on the page from time to time. haha
9. In music what would be your favorite genre of music?
I would probably have to go with Metal, but I love loads of different styles of music.
10. What are you currently endorsing and believe in?
At the moment I’m endorsing Anusooth anal anti-inflammatory ….I recommend it to any soft cunts that get butt hurt by my page.
11. What could we find interesting in your Music collection today?

Probably my Erasure, Yazoo and Duran Duran albums. haha
12. Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life?
Wake up, have breakfast, look through my collection of images and start thinking up jokes, Post on the page, relax all day until 3:00 PM then go to work at my music studio where I teach and bands come to practice and record. On a weekend I start work earlier and I would usually have a gig on the night.
13. Where do you see the Music industry in 100 years from now?
The music industry will have really gone to shit by then…it’s shit now.
14. Where will Awkward Band and Musician Photos be in 100 years from now?
God knows….but hopefully still going if people haven’t got bored of it or if I haven’t been banned from Facebook. haha. I would pass the admin roll to my son to keep it going when I’m dead and gone …. he’s bound to have the same sick sense of humour just like his daddy. haha
In this Interview…
Extra questions with Awkward band and musician photos
Life without music would be: a horrible existence
Favorite movie: Terminator 2
Favorite sport: Jelly Wrestling
Favorite food: Blue Cheese Pizza
Favorite drink: Ferrari Jack – JD, Amaretto and Coke
Favorite saying: I could have cooked it, ate it, and shat it out by now
Favorite car: The Mad Max V8 Interceptor
Favorite book: The Eric Clapton autobiography
Favorite band: Pantera
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars
PC or Mac: PC
4 responses to “Awkward band and musician photos: Exclusive Interview”
One night many years ago, David Letterman used to do a segment on his show called DAVE’S RECORD COLLECTION, wherein he did what you’re doing! And he would always play a segment of what he thought was the best track on the album. The one I’ve never forgotten was from LAVENDER LOVES WOMEN, a lesbian “singer/songwriter.” Dave played a section of the song “Anyone Can Be A Lesbian!” (Lavender, strumming her guitar & singing with a bevy of fellow females, “A lesbian! A lesbian! Anyone can be a lesbian!”) I hope you can find this album & feature it! :-)
One night many years ago, David Letterman used to do a segment on his show called DAVE’S RECORD COLLECTION, wherein he did what you’re doing! And he would always play a segment of what he thought was the best track on the album. The one I’ve never forgotten was from LAVENDER LOVES WOMEN, a lesbian “singer/songwriter.” Dave played a section of the song “Anyone Can Be A Lesbian!” (Lavender, strumming her guitar & singing with a bevy of fellow females, “A lesbian! A lesbian! Anyone can be a lesbian!”) I hope you can find this album & feature it! :-)
It’s called “View from Gay Head”
It’s called “View from Gay Head”