day of reckoning rusty cooley

Rusty Cooley Interview: Day Of Reckoning (November 2016)

Rusty Cooley, is an American guitarist from Houston, Texas, United States, known for his highly refined guitar technique. He is regarded as one of the fastest guitarists in the United States and a master of the “shredding technique of guitar. Guitar Player magazine called him “the leading light of the post-Malmsteen of reckoning rusty cooley

– What’s new in the world of Rusty Cooley?

Well it’s business as usual which pretty much means nose to the grind stone! Busy rehearsing, writing , practicing and pushing forward.

– How was it recording your album Into The Fire -pt.1 for Day of Reckoning?

It was down right mess lol we went through different producers mixes and masters guitar tone nightmare on top of the fact that I think every single person in the band was going through some life altering experiences. It was tough when it came down to me doing solos I went to Brad my singers house for the weekend and we did just that I recorded all the solos melodies and additional guitar parts and mind you this was for the whole cd not the ep we released in two days sleeping very little.

– When writing a song, is there such a thing as investing too much time?

At some point you have to let it go. The most important thing is when your arranging a song with a band that you keep things in the appropriate order in other words you don’t put the roof on a house until the end. You got to get the arrangement and solid core structure in place before worry about anything else.

– Vinyl is making a comeback. Do you have a personal preference? Is your band producing on vinyl?

I love there’s nothing better! At the moment we have not talked about it but if the opportunity arises you bet we be involved.

– How many shows do you play per year on average, and how crazy does the schedule get?

We have not been playing like we should do to a drummer and bass player change out. The newest member is Michael Millsap aka Dr. Froth he plays an NT Stick the dude is way more than a bass player he’s a serious musician. Our new drummer Jared Sandhy is all the way from Bangalore, India so it’s been a challenge dealing with the bs that goes along with relocating all the way around the world. Jared is a super amazing drummer the guy can play guitar, bass, produce and sing his ass off. Once we get everything in place we will be out there. We did a tour with Darkest Hour earlier this year and just opened for Alter Bridge in Dallas.

– Is the band fans of Spotify and similar streaming services? What are your thoughts on this?

Honestly I’m not to up on that stuff aside to know they are ripping you off.

– Making promo videos must be a lot of work and still fun to do. How do you look at it?

I love shooting videos it is a lot of hard work but the end result is usually amazing.

– How much practice do you put in on the guitar to keep up to date with your techniques?

In a perfect world I would live eat and sleep and breathe guitar and music. So know days I do my best to keep up with it. I’m first and for most a student of the instrument and I just try to get up everyday and keep pushing forward and learning new things. I have always strived to take it to a new level. I listen to guys like Mark O’Connor, Itzhak Pearlman, Marc Andre Hamelin, Michael Rabin and guys like that, that’s what I’m going for.

– In your career you have played with great musicians. What would be your greatest memories and achievements until now?

The best gig to date was getting to open for Alter Bridge! But there are some other great moments would be opening for Nile, Darkest Hour, Badlands and Nitro. I have also played on stage with Michael Angelo Batio, David Vincent (Morbid Angel) on bass and Derek Wright (Adele) on drums with my old Dean artist Rep Josh Maloney vocals we did an Allstar jam in Tampa. Also being giving guitar lessons to some of the best guys out there like John Petrucci, Mark Tremonti, Oli Herbert, Chris Storey, etc…

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