Cory M. Coons Interview | 2019

– How is it going with Cory M. Coons?

Great! Thanks for the opportunity… :)

– How was it writing and recording the single Break the Fall?

It was tracked for the most part (bass, drums, guitars & lead vocals) in Vancouver, WA. with Ron Nevison producing the album “The Long Road Home”, and overdubs were added later at my friend Marc Muir’s studio in Cornwall, ON. Then everything was sent back to Ron to be mixed at his home in Oregon last year, a finally mastered in L.A. By Dave Donelly at DNA Mastering. A great team of professionals with tons of experience in the business!

Do you follow a formula when you write?

I don’t usually follow a formula. I tend to let the ideas guide me where they want to take me, rather than trying to force songs.

– Would you say it’s a lot easier to just release a single online versus an album?

This single is part of an album called “The Long Road Home”. I’m kind of old school that way… I still like to create and release albums. But I will release and promote singles from an album as well. Singles seem to be what people stream these days.

– When writing songs, is there a certain instrument you prefer for the creative process? Have you always used the same method?

Usually I create melodies and chord ideas on guitar. Again, not really a method, but more about going with what might inspire me at the time. :)

– Which notable bands have you played with throughout the years?

I have opened some shows in the past for notable acts like April Wine, Kim Mitchell, Glass Tiger and David Wilcox in Canada over the years.

– Without social media could bands today manage to survive?

It’s hard to say… But it would likely be difficult. Depending on who your audience is, and how they find and listen to their music?

– How is the music scene in your area these days? Are clubs still popular?

Clubs are not the same… The landscape has changed. Harder to be an original act and get fairly compensated for it I think.

– Where do you see music in general going in 100 years from now?

have no idea, lol! ;) Who knows…? All I know is that it’s still my passion to keep creating music as long as I can. Hopefully there will still be a need and desire for a “live bands”and music that hits home and resonates with people.



