Adam Hall, American guitarist for Alternative Rock band Another Lost Year from Charlottte, NC.
How was it working on the latest Another Lost Year album Better Days?
In short, a dream come true. Not too many people get the chance to make an album in a studio atmosphere like we did. We took our time with it…we wanted it to be great.
Where did the influences come from for this album?
If you put every band name in a hat and drew a random one, chances are they’ve influenced one of us. We’re very eclectic in musical taste. I love Yanni.
How is the non-stop touring coming along for Another Lost Year?
We love it. I love playing almost 300 shows a year. If you stay busy, you stay relevant.
When writing a song is there such a thing as investing too much time?
With us it has been, in the sense that our material comes quick. If its not there we don’t force it. Clint brings us these awesome ideas, we put our pixie dust on it or make suggestions and usually that’s the end product.
What equipment are you currently endorsing, etc.
PRS Guitars as of right now. Which are just awesome. They literally were set up perfect the day we got them.
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Without Social Media could bands today manage to survive?
The whole way people get their music has changed in the last 15 years. You used to make tapes and trade them…you listened to bands you had never heard of. Now with the Internet and social media, it’s a much leveler playing field. I can put my album anywhere that any other band has theirs. Even the big guys. So we try to stay as personal and in touch with Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Instagram…you name it and we’ve got it.

What were your earliest influences in life?
Clay Walker, Tracy Lawrence, Tim McGraw, Garth Brooks…My brother eventually let me listen to Pearl Jam and my whole world changed…that’s when I wanted to pick up a guitar and be in a rock band.
What could we find interesting in your music collection at home?
Everything…literally. I’m really into Baroness right now. Yellowcard is still one of my top 3 favorite bands ever…Ryan Key is a tremendous song writer.
Someday do you see a biography being written about the experiences you acquired or will acquire in your life? Maybe…hopefully it has a happy ending. (Get your mind out of the gutter)
Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician on tour?
You wake up in the clothes you wore the night before…probably in a van, on a couch, or on the floor. You eat what you can and when you can, you drive to the next venue if you’re not already there and then the boredom sits in. Most of my day is spent driving, or on the phone. The day really starts when we can pull our gear out of the trailer. We set up…put our game faces on, and put on the rawest rock show that most people have seen in quite some time. We hang out as long as we possibly can, and then it starts the next day.
Where do you see Music in 100 years from now?
Hopefully leaning more towards real music. If you want to see who the real musicians are in the world…go see their show. That’s where you separate the men from the boys.
Extra questions for Adam Hall from Another Lost Year
Life without music would be – meaningless
Favorite movie – Forrest Gump
Favorite sport – to play, golf…to watch, football
Favorite food – Fruit Snacks
Favorite drink – Coke
Favorite saying – You do You BooBoo
Favorite car – Dodge Viper
Favorite book – The Old Man and the Sea
Favorite band – Pearl Jam
Star Wars or Star Trek – Star Wars
PC or Mac – Mac