David Reece is an American vocalist who has been active in the heavy metal rock scene professionally since the late 1980s, recording with several bands in diverse genres including Bonfire from January 2015 to July 2016. He is best known for his time with the band Accept, appearing on their 1989 album Eat the Heat.

– What’s new in the world of David Reece?
Well, just returned from our release weekend party’s where we played 4 shows in 3 days and it was a great success!
– How was it writing and recording the songs for the self titled album from a studio point of view?
It was very organic this time, very relaxed we did five vocals in Germany and the rest here in ITALY at Tanzan music studios. Berci our drummer produced and mixed the album and did an amazing job! He captured a more old style sound which to my ears and the sound of our music fit perfectly. Danielle Mandelli mastered the album at Tanzan studios as well. I feel it’s my best work.
– How did the band decide on the artwork for the album?
That vision was Franks and the artist from our label Manne.
The woman on the cover is Lydia Pane’ Franks wife and she did all background harmonies with me on the record too. She’s also our background singer live.. She’s a great singer.
– How long did it take to make the promo videos for “Maybe She’s Got Balls” and “We Are All Sainted Sinners”?
We shot both in one day in Augsburg at the spectrum. Volker is our director and video producer. I feel Volker is very talented and he’s done an amazing job with us and he’s part of Sainted a Sinners family.
– Do you have any tours coming up in the near future?
Yes we’re booking US shows now and were touring throughout Europe the whole of 2017.
– How many shows do you play per year on average, and how crazy does the schedule get?
It’s in the beginning stages now, we’re hoping for at least 40 in Europe and the UK and 14 dates in the US and Canada.Last weekend we did 4 shows in 3 days I vocally can handle multiple dates if I get required rest. Getting the rest needed can be challenging though but I try and rest as much as possible and keep my big mouth shut! Lol!
– I am sure you’ve met interesting fans from the Accept and Bonfire days and have good stories to tell. What’s the most interesting thing that’s happened on tour that you can recall?
There’s one in Atlanta Georgia I did where fans rushed the stage and proceeded to kick the shot out of me! They were skinheads and were fighting with everyone in the pit. The security just stood buy and watched I took some good knocks on that one! Sometimes drunk or high fans can be aggressive? You’ve got to watch your back its all good though.
– Is the band fans of Spotify and similar streaming services? What are your thoughts on this?
It’s the future, but artists are still being ripped off. Taylor Swift and others I believe are managing their own streaming to control sales. Some things never change.
– Where do you see music in general going in 100 years from now?
Don’t know? Probably non human made? Technology has been a curse and helpful for artists but so much music now is geared for the masses short interest span. Our label are fans they believe in building a group! We’ve signed a multiple album deal with them and I am very happy to be a part of El Puerto!
Thank you for the opportunity to share my story.
All my best
️David Reece
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