Casey Ory Interview drummer for thrash metal band Titans Eve. Titans Eve is a modern thrash metal band from Vancouver, B.C.
Casey Ory Interview
– What’s new in the world of Titans Eve?
Casey Ory – Well the album was just released a couple weeks ago to what so far has been a very positive response, which is always nice. seem that people are understanding and enjoying what we were going for on this album. We have some shows lined up in our region, and in September will do a run through western Canada to begin the tour cycle for the album.
– How was the songwriting and recording process for the latest album Chasing the Devil?
very smooth for both. In the writing phase we were letting ideas flow naturally, and this time yielded a little more refined material and purposefully focused more on the groove aspects of our sound, and relying a bit less of speed and “flash” and i think we found a good balance on Chasing the Devil. The recording for the album was simply seamless. Eric Mosher and the people at the Warehouse studio created the perfect creative environment, we had a blast recording there, and I think that comes across in the sound of the album, of a very confident, comfortable band being captured on recording. None of us wanted to leave there honestly, just keep writing more albums right there! haha.
– Where did the concept for the artwork come from as well as the title for the album?
The concept behind the title “Chasing the Devil’ refers to confronting ones inner devils, whatever form they are and slaying them. About a man lost in life, but knowing needs to change, and taking the steps to do this and ultimately achieving these aims. Bjorn Goobes of Killustrations did all of the art for the album. The cover shows a man on the road into his mind, all the hazards on the path inward, but with a mission in mind to confront the dark aspects of his character and tame them and change for the better. We exchanged ideas with Bjorn, but final say was with the band. Bjorn is just so talented that he pretty much nails things the first time when working with us. He also did the art for 2012’s “Life Apocalypse’ album, so we have developed a good chemistry.
– How do you build a song up from nothing to become something?
The way work is, Brian and Kyle Gamblin write the basic structure of the songs together guitar wise, with structure mostly on place for verses choruses/lyrical arrangement in mind. Then forward s demo of this to me and Jesse to begin forming arrangement ideas. After a few days for us to come up with our arrangements, we convene in the jam room and combine our ideas. Often small changes will come out of this, and a version of what will later become the final product of the song begins to emerge. We make the new songs a part of our rehearsal repertoire and continue to make adjustments as and when needed. This process works very well for us, and is how this band works writing wise.
– Vinyl is making a comeback. Do you have a personal preference? Is the band producing on vinyl?Vinyl is indeed making a big comeback. We are not currently able to produce vinyl due to cost restrictions, though this is is in the bands plans to have vinyl versions of our three albums. i own a record player and have a small collection myself. I am from the CD era myself, and own about 200 albums on CD. Personally, I do not hear a big difference sound wise between CD and vinyl. I do enjoy vinyl however, and for sure see that it is now the top selling physical format, and is more collectible. Hence our need to enter into this format, which will happen in time.
– Is there any tour dates coming for the summer?
For summertime tour dates, we are currently working on a September tour of western Canada, and more dates to come in the fall.
– More people are launching their music on YouTube do think it’s the way to go for the future to getting discovered?
YouTube is a great tool, especially for indie bands such as ourselves. Any tool that an artist can take advantage of, they should. One advantage of the times we live in is the ease of which one can get their material out to the public. The challenging thing is of course, getting notices, as there is now more music and other media available to the public than ever before, so that can become tricky. Endless self promotion and use of social media is key.
– How important is merchandising? Could artists survive without?
Merchandise is the life’s blood of a touring band. It is absolutely essential financially for a band to have merchandise that is appealing for people to want to own, and sell on tour especially, as that is when a band is most potentially financially vulnerable. as well, shirts and hats etc work as a brand in a sense,, and also advertise your band when people are wearing them, increasing your profile.
– In your opinion, which album would be essential to have if someone were stranded on a deserted island?
Oh boy, what a tough question to ask a music nerd like me, haha. I’ll answer this album in general sense for an album that all metal heads should own, and even THAT is very tricky. To me, Metallica’s Master of Puppets is one of the foundation albums for any metal head, regardless of certain styles in the genre they are mostly into. is just one of those ‘perfect’ albums (among many however) that helped shape the genre in general, and just completely kicks ass.
– Will the band eventually produce music videos?
Casey Ory – We will in time, perhaps even for this album. A lot of fans seem really into videos still, which frankly surprised me, because personally, as a fan of music, I do not care about videos form bands that I personally love. In our history we have to be careful with the money we have as a band, and was usually a choice of touring, or shooting a video, not both in a year. Now i think we can do both, and see how useful a video could be. Our prior skepticism has now been shed. The stubborn’ Titans beast’ has come around on this, haha.
Check out Casey Ory and Titans Eve Titans Eve online
Titans Eve Interview | Kyle Gamblin on Arch Enemy Tour | October 2012