Xander Demos is one of today’s premier shred metal guitarists. Based in Pittsburgh, PA, he currently fronts his own band, XDB and performs with national tribute act, James Rivera’s Sabbath Judas Sabbath, as well as playing in Rivera’s solo band. Xander Demos
1. What’s new in the life of Xander Demos it’s been since 2012 our last interview?
Oh man, 2013 was just a crazy year for us! We had the pleasure of performing across the country, starting with last year’s NAMM Metal Jam, which I was lucky enough to have been invited to come perform at. I was invited back again, just this past week. Neil Turbin, original Anthrax singer and guitar god, Dave Reffett are amazing guys, and when they put it together, they asked me to come be a part of it. So many incredible musicians from bands like Whitesnake, Dio, Rising Force, Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, and the list goes on. We also got to perform at some killer festivals like Skull Fest, Wolf Fest, and Rock Harvest II. We opened for acts like Lizzy Borden, Symphony X, Buckethead, Adrenaline Mob. I also performed some shows with Sabbath Judas Sabbath and James Rivera. I did some recording with Modern Superstar and Ged Rylands’ Rage of Angels, Liberty ‘n’ Justice, and some others. Our band walked away with 8 Iron City Rocks Pittsburgh Music Awards…and I think that’s pretty much everything. Oh yeah, my signature XD 727 guitar model with McNaught Guitars!! That’s a big one…
2. Any new projects lined-up for 2014 and releases?
Yes, we’re working on the follow up album to my debut CD. This one is called “Dancing Through Daggers.” The lead track is available now on iTunes, amazon, etc.
3. How many hours in a day do you put on the guitar and what do you enjoy doing?
I usually try to play at least 1-2 hours a day and during that time I will write riffs and see how they come together. If over a small period of time I have something that works, I fire up my ProTools rig and start recording scratch tracks. Other than that, I’m pretty boring – I so don’t live the “rock star” life, haha.
4. What are you currently endorsing?
Suhr, Conklin and McNaught Guitars; Intex Cables; Matrix Amplification; Fractal Audio Systems; Rock N Roll Gangstar Apparel; Mission Pedals; Lampifier Microphones; JH Audio In-ear monitors; EMG Pickups; FU Tone; and V-Picks.
5. What would be some of the craziest stuff you’ve seen on tour?
I once saw a girl get beat with a fish…oh wait, that was Zeppelin. Honestly, I haven’t seen too much crazy stuff. We’re really boring on the road. We’re all older nowadays, and we just concentrate on putting on the best show we can for the fans. Leave the craziness for the young kids on the road.
6. How is the music scene in your area nowadays?
There are some very talented musicians in the area and I am very fortunate that I have been able to play with a lot of them. As far as venues, there’s enough places to play, but we always hope for more. There are some great places, like the Dead Horse Cantina and Altar Bar that seem to be the mainstays for rock and metal concerts. There seems to be a big gravitation towards cover bands and I had one going for about 6 years, but since then I have only concentrated on the original project at this point. We recently did a reunion show, and packed the place!
7. What would be some of your main influences?
Shawn Lane, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai, Vinnie Moore, Jason Becker, Neal Schon, Michael Romeo and John Sykes, to name a few. haha.
8. What were your earliest influences?
Melodic players. Guitar Gods that were on MTV. Those were the bands and players that got me to pick up a guitar.
9. When writing a song is there such a thing as investing too much time?
No. I think you get a great idea or riff, and maybe you can work it out right away, and take just a few minutes to come up with the bones of a great song. But, some songs evolve and come to fruition over years. Sometimes, it just takes the right vibe, group of players, any number of elements for that idea to take its proper shape.
10. Where do you see music going in 100 years from now?
All Blues-Jazz ensembles. haha. I’m hoping shred guitar becomes all the mainstream rage! No, seriously, that’s such a hard question to answer. The industry is still trying to make profits but I think that there are more “products” out there than there should be. I wouldn’t have the faintest idea of where it’s going. I can say, with some confidence, that because of the Internet people can tune in and watch or listen or download what THEY want. And I think that’s a good thing!
Life without music would be not a life I want to be part of
Favorite movie: The Dark Knight Rises
Favorite sport: Hockey
Favorite food: Bone-In Strip Steak
Favorite drink: Absolut Citron and 7-up
Favorite saying: Never tell your problems to anyone…. 20% don’t care and the other 80% are glad you have them.
Favorite car: Nissan GT-R
Favorite book: Jaws
Favorite band: Dream Theater
CD or Vinyl: CD
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars
PC or Mac: Both (It’s unavoidable nowadays)
Check out Xander Demos on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/xanderdemosmusic