Danny Marino, Canadian guitarist for Metalcore group from Montreal, Quebec.
The Agonist Interview
1. What’s new in the world of The Agonist?
We’re currently writing new material for the next album while gearing up for the STM fests and our Fall tour of Europe.
2. I am sure you are very happy to be coming to Halifax, Nova Scotia for Spread The Metal Festival what can we expect from the band?
We always try to deliver a very high energy performance. It’s not just about playing our songs but engaging the audience as much as possible. We’ll be playing a set with material from all 3 of our albums. It’ll be the first time The Agonist ever went to the Maritimes!
3. How is touring in Canada compared to anywhere else around the world?
Canada has some pretty great metal audiences. Many foreign bands we tour with are always excited for the Canadian dates of a North American tour. The only thing that sucks is the distances between cities. I wish we could do more cross Canada tours but it is logistically quite difficult.
4. Are you keeping busy this summer with tour dates?
This summer we already hit the US and Mexico. Other than 3 more dates we will be focusing on getting as much writing as possible done before Europe.
5. Would you say touring now is more relaxed and easier to do?
I would say it’s more relaxed in the way that everyone is very experienced by now and we have learned through trial and error the right way to do things over the years. Dunno if it is easier though. Sometimes i look back at the first few tours and think how the hell did i do that? but we were all running on such a rush from the fact that it was our first time doing real professional tours.

6. What equipment are you currently endorsing, etc?
Paco and I use Ibanez guitars and Fender EVH Amps. Chris uses Spector Basses and Simon uses Pearl Drums and Paiste Cymbals. We all run on Sennheiser Wireless and Ernie Ball strings.
7. What would be some of the craziest stuff you’ve seen on tour?
The Columbian army shutting down our show for 3 hours. 2 south american Volcano eruptions on 2 separate tours. My ex-guitarist and Bam Margera driving Lambourghini’s through the woods of Pennsylvania. the ridiculous flavors of USA Pringles.
8. What were your earliest influences in life?
The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Aerosmith, Guns N’ Roses, Metallica
9. What would be some of your main influences today?
Opeth, Muse, The Mars Volta, Mastodon, Tool, A Perfect Circle
10. What could we find interesting in your music collection at home?
Adele, the Civil wars, Bob Marley, the Tea Party, At the Drive in, the Arcade Fire
11. Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician on tour?
Depends what band you are in. For a smaller Van touring band you can expect an average of; 6 hours driving, 3 hours loading and setting up, one hour of rocking, 1-2 hours at the merch table, 1-2 hours wandering around the streets surrounding the venue, 5-10 beers, 4 hours sleep.
12. Where do you see music going in 100 years from now
That is such a long time if you think of where it was 100 years ago. At the speed technology goes now. I hate to say it but I doubt music performance will still be as we know it today. With guitars amps and drums. I really don’t know what it will be but i strongly think the standard way which we have been doing it since the beginnings of rock and blues will either be gone or be part of a smaller niche genre.
Extra questions with Danny Marino from The Agonist.
Life without music would be…. like a picture without color.
Favorite movie Pulp fiction
Favorite sport Hockey
Favorite food Sushi
Favorite drink Single Malt Highland Scotch
Favorite saying Don’t really have one.
Favorite car 1989 LeBaron
Favorite book Frankenstein
Favorite band _The Beatles
CD or Vinyl deloused in the Comatorium
Star Wars or Star Trek Star Wars.
PC or Mac PC
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