Tag: Ontario

  • Across the Board Interview | Jackie Auguste [2018-10-22]

    Across the Board Interview | Jackie Auguste [2018-10-22]

    Across The Board (ATB) is an award-winning Canadian pop rock band of multi-instrumentalist musicians with over 400 Youtube videos. – Hope your summer is going well, what’s new with Across The Board? Thank you! It’s crazy this summer and we are having the best time! We are currently touring around our newest album “SONIC BOOM”…

  • Across the Board Interview | Canadian indie pop rock band [2017-03-28]

    Across the Board Interview | Canadian indie pop rock band [2017-03-28]

    Across The Board is a Canadian indie pop rock band from Toronto, Canada. Formed in 2013, Across The Board quickly gained popularity with their YouTube cover series “Pick Up and Play” – imprinting their unique and innovative musical style and videography on both contemporary and classic rock songs while featuring other local Canadian artists as…