Jackie Slaughter, Canadian lead vocals and guitarist for Heavy Metal band Skull Fist. Interview with Skull Fist August 12, 2013
Skull Fist Interview
1. What’s new in the world of Skull Fist?
A healed broken neck. A Mexican Tour. Caseys got no more crabs. Chris just got over a cold. A new Skull Fist album to be recorded in September. A new hat.
2. I am sure you are very happy to be coming to Halifax, Nova Scotia for Spread The Metal Festival what can we expect from the band?
You can expect us to whine and complain about not being able to drink up until the point of us playing. and then I will personally play as tough as I can without passing out. Then afterwards well hunt down all the cigarettes and vodka in the venue. and drink and smoke them all and stare at hot girls butts and talk about how cool everything is. Perhaps invent some drinking games?
3. How is touring in Canada compared to anywhere else around the world?
Touring anywhere and everywhere is awesome. doesn’t matter where or when. the shows are smaller in Canada than south america, or central america. or Europe. or UK. hahah its the smallest shows we do. but its still amazing fun. and we get to use our van. which is the best. that’s my special happy place. the van floor.
4. Are you keeping busy this summer with tour dates?
Always keepin’ busy brother! in the words of gravestone. WONT STOP ROCKIN!

5. Would you say touring now is more relaxed and easier to do?
Yeah of course. you get used to everything. and you always fine ways to fine tune your experience on the road. I think that’s the fun process of touring. Doing it. getting home and then saying “ok that ruled but how could I have enjoyed it even more so and what do I need to do to make it even better next time”. I think if your NOT doing that then be prepared for living on the same floor on the same flight of stairs on the same stair for the rest of your existence.
6. What equipment are you currently endorsing, etc.
I use Jackie Slaughter Guitars and Andromeda Amplification. I’m also currently using Naquada Guitar strings and SG1 Guitar picks. Johnny uses Prince purple rain spray paint and Steven Tyler arm bands Casey is using Naquada guitar strings, Lost or stolen boss tuner pedals and Allah Robes.
7. What would be some of the craziest stuff you’ve seen on tour?
Nnothing I would ever put in writing. ever. in person well talk. haaha
8. What were your earliest influences in life?
Smoking pot when i was little. skateboarding. playing road hockey. climbing trees. climbing roofs. Breaking and entering. Theft. Fights. Stealing stuff. breaking stuff. spitting off high places. Jumping off roofs. pretending to be cool. smoking. Stealing my older brothers clothes. basically my early life i was a little asshole. hahahha did you mean music? hahahah
9. What would be some of your main influences today?
Carl Sagan. Brian cox. Richard Dawkins. Christopher Hitchens. SETI.
10. What could we find interesting in your music collection at home?
The fact that I don’t own a music collection anymore. Gave it all away.
11. Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician on tour?
12 am – finished playing at this point so lurking the crowd for hot chicks and cigarettes. hopefully I planned ahead and obviously have some vodka with me.
1am – alot drunker and hopefully hanging with some hot chicks. or already have plan of which hot chicks I am going to attempt to woo by using big words and complete sentences. Wondering where all those smokes i just had went. wondering why everyone else in the band is already talking to girls and I’m not? Wondering why this guy keeps winking at me. Wondering where all that vodka i just drank went. realizing the answer to that question.
2am – humping. smoking. humping? this is not true at all. most likely masturbating as a result of no humping? at this point I’m probably talking the ears off a group of dudes who approached me wanting to party and drink and laugh but I’m too drunk at this point i just stand there complaining about social problems or talking about how awesome Brian Cox is.
Ahhhhh this goes on too long. basically i lay around until 5 pm complaining about life and drinking and talking my ass off until i finally roll off my back and decide everything i just said for the last few hours was complete rubbish. awake at a venue? depends which country it is. this questions too hard.
12. Where do you see music going in 100 years from now?
recycle bin?
Extra questions with Jackie Slaughter from Skull Fist
Life without music would be – a whole lot of birds and volcanic harmonies
Favorite movie – harry and the hendersons
Favorite sport – is drinking
Favorite food – egg nog
Favorite drink – vodka
Favorite saying – “whatcha lookin at it fer”
Favorite car – dirtbike
Favorite book – The quran. its the book of truth. hahaa
Favorite band – Mozart and the Paganninis
CD or Vinyl – neither
Star Wars or Star Trek – Stargate SG1
PC or Mac – whichever makes meatspin.com work better.