Silvertung Interview – Codey Red

What’s new in the world of Silvertung?

Touring,  touring, touring. But we’re glad to be touring. 

– How was it recording your album (BUT, AT WHAT COST??!)? 

It was a different process than what we’ve done in the past instead of going into the studio with these thought out ideas. We went in with just bare bone ideas and worked them out in the studio.

– When writing a song, is there such a thing as investing too much time?

I don’t think so, especially if you know what you want it to sound like. Just look at Jaco Pastorius the guy was a madman when writing the album word of mouth. I do think that there’s devoting too much energy into the wrong idea.

– What kind of things inspire you to write music or lyrics?

Just experiencing life. And being able to hear other people’s experiences. I think for a lot of us it’s all emotional based. so however something hits us it’s what we write about.

– Do you have any tours coming up in the near future?

Absolutely. We’re going to a lot of places that we’ve never been before! It’s really exciting we’re very fortunate.

– How important is it for a musician in this generation to spend time on social media?

To some degree it is important but at the end of the day you can’t spend your entire life on it. Meaning you can’t allow it to dictate how you view yourself when looking at the lives of others. It’s now become a tool of business to do networking and promoting.

– In your opinion, which album would be essential to have if someone were stranded on a deserted island?

Probably some good old-fashioned Jimmy Buffett – I mean you are stranded on a desert island right! 

– How important are music videos in the industry today? How do they compare to videos from 20 years ago?

Music videos are still important mainly for the creative aspect. But you also don’t need amazing production to have a great-looking video as compared to 20 years ago.

– Where do you see music in general going in 100 years from now?

Genres probably won’t exist. But I’m sure people will still be playing records.



