Matthew Diana Interview | 2018

– What’s new in the world of Matthew Diana?

Lyrics, melodies, and pretty much my own evolution of becoming a better musician. Along with researching new recipes and work out routines.

– How was it recording your EP Disasterpiece?

It was one of the best times I’ve had. The engineer I worked with, Ryan, is a really good dude. He worked on my band, Message to the Masses, as well which is how we got acquainted. So from the atmosphere to the equipment and sound, I was completely comfortable. I will be recording more tracks with him.

– Today in music is it simpler to release a EP versus a album?

It’s not necessarily easier to do one or the other but if your talking money, then EP or single is the way to go. However, as far as being smart with distributing your music, I’d say release a couple singles and see which hits the hardest. The audience will give you the answers to your next direction but always keep your roots intact as you travel into an unknown area of sound. The original sound is why your fans found you and love you for.

– Do you consider album artwork as important now that music is mostly downloaded?

Always, I mean at least for me, everything has meaning.

– How many shows do you play per year on average, and how crazy does the schedule get?

Ive slowed down with the shows recently but before 2018 my band, Message to the Masses, was constantly touring. My schedule is always hectic, running a business, writing music, working out, and etc, takes up most of my time.

– Could you describe some of your earliest influences in life and in music?

My parents and family. Musically my influences were, Hoobastank, Blink 182, Saosin, Foo fighters, Queen, Panic! at the Disco, Senses Fail, and it goes on.

– How important is it for a musician in this generation to spend time on social media?

Very important, being relevant and being consistent will lead you to victory

– Where do you see the future of music in general going in 100 years from now?

Completely electronic and most genres will be completely mixed with every kind.



