hands like houses

Hands Like Houses Interview | Trenton Woodley | 2016

Hands Like Houses Interview with Trenton Woodley.

– What’s new in the world of Hands Like Houses?

We are in the van, on the way to Melbourne for some acoustic in-stores and album press for release day tomorrow! Stoked!

– How was it recording your album Dissonants? Where did most of the ideas come from?

It was uniquely challenging haha… Most of the ideas came from the present state of things, inside and outside life and the band. While the lyrical content explored a lot of personal challenges, the drawn out process of making sure the album was deserving of the time and expectations carrying it definitely found its way into the subject material and emotional weight of each song.

– How did you go about making the artwork?

We collaborated with Casey Roarty, a graphic artist we came across in searching for ‘the one’ to create the album art. He created the fantastically original texture we used for the album cover, and the dissonants ambigram was one that we had created ourselves.

We made it to combine an ambigram logo we’d used previously, with the ≠ symbol we’d alluded to in the ‘I Am’ release material. Was a sneaky thematic look-forward, to the album to come.

– Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician on tour?

As much sleep as we can responsibly manage, trying to eat responsibly and nutritionally as best we can, loading in as quickly and smoothly as we can, and playing an all-out rock show!

– How important is it for a musician in this generation to spend time on social media?

In a way it’s crucial to reach your audience, but at the same time it can definitely be a distraction from the pursuit of the craft.

– What would we be surprised to find in your music collection at home?

Probably Sia, Carpathian and Lupe Fiasco. And Backstreet Boys.

– Making videos must be a lot of work and still fun to do. How do you look at it?

I think it’s about creating a vision and finding someone you trust to run with it! For us, that’s Megan Thompson – a good friend who happens to be brilliant behind a camera.

– Do you see a biography being written someday about the experiences you acquired or will acquire in your life?

Probably not to a wide audience, if at all haha. In a way, if we keep creating music, those experiences will be represented, if not in biographic detail, in emotional intent.

– Where do you see music in general going in 100 years from now?

It’s pretty wild to imagine where it could go – I mean look at how it’s progressed in the last 100! I hope that the human element proves impossible to replicate in automatically-created music, and musicians will always be valued by culture and society… but that could easily collapse further.

I hope the post-internet world does allow a new music economy to finally take over from the outdated major-label models that Napster and torrents destroyed.


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