Forest Cobalt singer

Forest Cobalt Interview | Ballet Dancer talks Star Quality

Forest Cobalt, performed with Boston Ballet at the Kennedy Center and is a practicing astrologer. Interview February 25, 2012Forest Cobalt singer

Forest Cobalt Interview

1. What are your current projects for 2012?

I have a few new tracks in production at the moment.  One of them is a collaboration with veteran producers in Los Angeles.  I can’t say much because, it’s still a bit of a secret but, vocals have been recorded and a final mix is due out in the next few months.  In April of this year, I’m also planning to write some new songs with Ed Korn of Gentleman Junkie and Element.

 2. How was the process for participating in the Vixens vol.1 compilation by HRX Records?

As humbling and challenging as it was, Vixens was a truly great project with which to be involved.  The HRX guys wrote “Insomnia” based on my particular vocal style.  It was like having a custom couture gown created just for me.

 3. What are you currently endorsing?

Well, I’m passionate about spiritual development, holistic health and supporting people in the cultivation of better lives.  One of the greatest authors I’ve encountered to that end is Eckhart Tolle, to whom I refer many of my clients.  I encourage anyone to explore his work.

 4. Forest what’s your take on the sex appeal in the music industry, etc?

It really can’t be ignored.  Sex appeal is part of the “star quality” of a total performer.  Fortunately, in alternative music “sexy” isn’t constricted by conventional western ideas about beauty.  Maybe I’m naive but, artists on the fringe tend to create their public images according to their own aesthetic sense rather than a marketing strategy.  I appreciate that approach far more than that of those who fit some prescribed mold.Forest Cobalt on stage

 5. What’s your vision of the Internet as a tool to promote and get your music out?

The Internet is the means by which authentic, innovative art finally has a chance to re-emerge from under the flood of commercialism.  Musicians no longer have to wait for the approval of any corporate entity; they can remain true to their message and function in an entirely DIY capacity.  With the advent of iTunes and social networking, they have just as much access to mass audiences as the “big guys.”  Frankly I think that’s fabulous.

 6. How is the current Music Scene in your area doing?

Los Angeles is as wildly prolific as ever.  The true pioneers of the local music scene continue to overwhelm and intimidate me, every day.  I’m just grateful that I get to participate.

 7. Could you tell us about your main influences as a singer, etc?

I am an unabashed devotee of Lisa Gerrard’s.  Hers is the voice of pure, unadulterated expression that I constantly strive to emulate.  Other vocalists I’ve admired and seen as guides to my own style are Johnette Napolitano, Martha Davis and – of course – Siouxsie Sioux.

8. What could we find interesting in your Music collection?

Plenty of Old School Goth and New Wave.  Probably more pop than it’s “cool” to admit.  Peter Gabriel, The Cure, Dead Can Dance, Delirium, Concrete Blonde… I still have a massive set of 80s singles that my Dad gave me when I ran my radio show in college.Forest Cobalt photo shoot

 9. Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life?

I make a point of not letting my life be consumed by work.  On a typical day, I’ll spend a couple of hours walking alone with a cup of coffee before I dive into anything “responsible.”  I’ve found it sets a solid foundation for anything I hope to get done, that day.  If I have clients to meet or a meditation class to lead, I’ll hop on my bicycle and head on over.  I never get tired of not having to look for parking or sit in freeway traffic.  On the weekends, it’s pretty quiet.  Long walks, longer talks and watching some old sci-fi on the laptop.

 10. Are there any tour dates lined-up for in the near future?

Not at the moment but, I do hope to set some up in the summer.

 11. Are there any more products or projects we can see from you in the future?

I’m excited to do a music video for “Insomnia” so here’s hoping the HRX folks are putting a plan for that into action.  I’m also inspired by the ongoing collaborations with local artists in the coming year.  Some local live shows are certainly on the horizon.  Personal projects include launching a line of Magickal jewelry in March that will be available through Psychic Eye Bookstore.

Check out Forest Cobalt Online


