The Flux Machine is an alternative rock band from NYC. Band members Luis Accorsi and Raphael Sepulveda.
The Flux Machine Interview
What’s new in the world of The Flux Machine?
Raphael Sepulveda: First of all, thank you Music Legends for doing this with us!
We just released our first album “Louder!” last month along with a video for the first single “Run Away”. We’re working on another video as we speak and just last week we played our first show here in NYC. We’re starting to get booked with local shows all the way to the end of the year, thanks to our bass player, Leo Corleone, who plays live with us and is our booking agent.
Luis Accorsi: We are hitting the ground running!
How was it recording your album Louder?
Luis: A cathartic and very existential experience! It was either do a great album or look at yourself and see a loser unable to express himself, and I wasn’t having any of that. This is the maximum rock album!
Raphael: The creativity flow was continuous all throughout. We never got stuck. Usually bands come into the studio with the songs already written. In the case of The Flux Machine we wrote and recorded everything from scratch. Every song took two days to accomplish so everything you hear is on “first-instict”. You also hear an evolution of sound as Luis and I got to know each better. We didn’t over-think it and that’s one of the aspects that make this album special.
Where did the ideas come from for the artwork of the album?
Luis: Smashed mirrors for good luck and seven years of great sex!
Raphael: We decided to go with one of the images from our photo shoot with Kevin Whittaker. That particular image stuck out to me. It’s more than what meets the eye.
How do you build a song up from nothing to become something?
Luis: Nothing comes from nothing said Plato, the Greek philosopher. It all starts with just an idea in the recesses of your mind. Raphael makes them reality.
Raphael: I think one of my best attributes as a producer is to take an idea, concept or feeling and amplify it into a concrete product. Luis gives me a lot to work with!
Vinyl is making a comeback. Do you have a personal preference? Is your band producing on vinyl?
Luis: Yes! When I was real young vinyl was the way, and in Venezuela (where I was raised) they were kind of rare, so you really listened to it intently. Music was not bubblegum for me. It was all serious business from the first scratchy sound the needle made!
Raphael: Yes, we’re actually doing a vinyl release of our album in November!
Does the band write music on the road at all?
Raphael: We’re pretty fresh! We’ve just started playing shows locally. No national tours as of yet. But for writing, our preference thus far is to schedule a time and focus on just writing and recording. We’re very goal oriented I would say. Right now our focus is on getting the music to as many ears as possible and stepping on as many stages as we can.
How important is merchandising? Could artists survive without?
Raphael: I think merch is prime. It’s that extra income that makes a difference.
How important are music videos in the industry today? How do they compare to videos from 20 years ago?
Luis: Our video is important to watch because we’re delivering high energy rock and that’s all physical. Jumping, yelling, barking, etc…
Raphael: Music videos are vital. I think every song should have one. It’s the best way to introduce a band. Compared to 20 years ago, I would say the main difference is how cinematic music videos can be. There is no limit really.
Where do you see music going in one 100 years from now?
Luis: The world will be done by then.
Raphael: Music consumption is going to be crazy by then. I’m talking about listening to music at another level, bypassing the ears and streamed directly into the brain. Music will be linked with all your senses. You’ll be able to feel it, literally.
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