Interview with singer Rob Roy of Dead by Wednesday. – What’s new in the world of Dead by Wednesday? We are on the GRIND!!! 3/4 of the way through this tour and pushing through day by day, city by city. The album and live performance is getting a great response every night. We’ve definitely brought our performance to a new level on this tour – How was it recording and writing your self titled album? It was a great experience for me being my first full length record with DBW or any band. I’ll admit I was pretty green in the process and it’s a good our amazingly talented producer Nicky Bellmore (Toxic Holocaust, Dee Snider, Jasta) had the patience to work with me in the whole process. There was definitely a learning curve (laughs). It’s funny the way touring shapes and elevates your performance. Doing it night in and night out really hones your craft to perfection. The new and more experienced Me definitely wishes I could go back and re track the album twice as good but I think almost any artist that goes through a “growing up” process could say that. – Do you follow a formula when you write? HELL NO! Art has no formula and that would suck the soul right out of the music. You can’t force or formulate it, EVER! Some songs are written on an acoustic guitar and transformed into metal riffs later on, or written all together in the practice room. Once you try and cookie cut songs it’s over. – How was it making the music video for You & Die? Great experience! Big shout out to my boy @mtvdevin for helping us out there! – Touring with Flotsam and Jetsam must be a great adventure. Up till now any good stories. Other than some of the more amazing crowds (Gramercy Theater NYC, Forge Joliet, IL) I guess it might be a good thing there’s no stories too too crazy yet (laughs), but Minneapolis was definitely an experience walking around with Steve Conley of Flots just trying to find a Starbucks and I felt like a security detail. There were literally people getting beaten up in the streets right in front of us and I was glad to be carrying my Bowie knife, would never wanna use it but places like that are why I bring some sort of protection. You never know what kind of places you’ll be on tour. The crowd was great but the neighborhood around the venue, not so much. I also want to shout out to the whole band Flots, those guys have been super nice to us! Its a great feeling when you’re sharing vocal tips with a legend like Eric AK and he’s telling you that you sound great and so forth. His son Eli has also been a great tour buddy, we run the merch tables and he’s a great dude! – How many shows do you play per year on average, and how crazy does the schedule get? Probably around 50 I guess. The schedule is pretty crazy trying to juggle a full time job, touring, my amazing and beautiful girlfriend Victoria, family, friends, etc. if it was easy everybody would be doing it tho! – Could you describe some of your earliest influences in life and in music? Definitely Queen, Deep Purple and Blue Oyster Cult at a very young age I was blasting those tapes of my dad’s and jumping on the bed. I got into the grunge era stuff in elementary school and loved Soundgarden & Alice In Chains especially. Then I graduated to Deftones during my teens I wanted to be Chino Moreno and I loved the mixed screams and cleans. From there I went heavier and heavier until I landed on Pantera, Killswitch and LOG! – What would we be surprised to find in your music collection at home? I’d say Queen, deep purple and blue oyster cult might surprise some people. – Where do you see music in general going in 100 years from now? Hmmmm… great question… 100 years from now we might not see any music at all since mankind may not even be here… I hope people can be saved & still around to rock out but from what I see, humanity needs to press the reset button & fast!!!! |

Dead by Wednesday Interview with Rob Roy – 2019