Jeremy Hiebert is the guitarist for Canadian Hardcore / Punk band Comeback Kid. Interview March 5, 2014

1. What’s new in the world of Comeback Kid?
Well I guess the obvious is the new record which is full length number five for us. As usual we are hitting the road like mad now so getting back into the swing of things with tour life as well after having some time off between the record being recorded and it coming out.
2. Where did the album concept for Die Knowing come from?
This was more Andrew’s concept but I believe the general I was to just encourage or push ones self to make the most out of life and die knowing you made the most of it. Just to have that every day attitude about it and try not to get stuck in ruts that can be easy to get bogged down in.
3. When finding the proper single for the album how do approach this?
Well that can be a tough one. There are always differing opinions between band members, record labels etc but I think the general rule of thumb is try to to showcase something that kind of represents what the band is known for whether it be heaviness or melody and perhaps some of the progression that the band has made along the way.
4. Any tours coming soon in promotion of this album?
Many many. Right now we are on a US tour that is just over a month long. Right after this we go to Europe for a few weeks followed by a Canadian tour. We also have plans to go back to Europe several times for fests and whatnot and are also working on ideas for SE Asia, Australia and other spots.
5. While on the road do you find time to practice your instrument?
I have to admit I’m not the best at practicing my instrument while I’m out but usually do a little dicking around on my guitar before we hit the stage.
6. What would be some of your earliest influences?
I grew up in a pretty Christian home so I wasn’t allowed to listen to a lot of the cool ‘secular’ bands but was definitely into some of the heavy bands I was kind of allowed to listen to like Tourniquet, Believer, The Crucified, etc.
7. What’s your vision of the internet for musicians in the future?
Hmm hard to say. I guess everything is just making it easier and easier to get your music out more but more importantly not just regionally but worldwide. I’m the first to admit that as I’m approaching 40 I’m not all that internet savvy and do rely on the help of record labels but I think a lot of doors have opened up for bands and musicians that want to be in control of their destiny.
8. What could we find interesting in your music collection at home?
Well you’d find some random electronica like Air and Delerium, you’d find some remnants of my for-mentioned Christian metal collection and the rest would be pure randomness of rock, punk, folk, metal, whatever.
9. Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician?
Well I think on tour the best way to describe it is that there is a lot of hurry up and wait. You hurry to get places whether it may be the next show or to the airport and then there is a lot of waiting around whether it is a the venue waiting to play, waiting in a vehicle to finally get to your destination or waiting at the airport for your next flight or your connection. The bright moments of the day include seeing friends you usually only get to see when you roll through their city on tour, eating at you favourite restaurant in a particular city etc.

10. Any words for future musicians?
Don’t ever let having your band gain some or a lot of popularity get to your head. You will become very annoying and irritating to hang around. My favourite people are humble musicians that have been doing it for years, hearing their stories and treating everyone from the fan to monitor guy to tour mates to their road crew with the same respect. Keep that ego shit in check and you will go a long way not just in terms of your music because more people will like working with you but also just with your circle of friends.
Extra questions for Jeremy Hiebert of Comeback Kid
Life without music would be: pretty dull?
Favorite movie: Fiddler on the Roof
Favorite sport: To watch, hockey(ice) and to play either volleyball or ping pong if that counts
Favorite food: Some of my fav comfort foods growing up veganized. Gimme all the tofurkey mashed potatoes and stuffing
Favorite drink: currently gin and soda with a lime but that’s always changing
Favorite saying: live and let live
Favorite car: I’m not a car guy but any thing fuel efficient or electric
Favorite book: vegan cookbooks
Favorite band: Propagandhi
Star Wars or Star Trek: I watch news and sports. Never got into either of those
PC or Mac: Mac
Vinyl or Cd: Cd
Check out Comeback Kid online
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