Chemia is a rock band from Warsaw, Poland. Guitarist Wojtek Balczun Interviewed November 8, 2013.
Chemia Interview
1. What’s new in the world of Chemia?
Lately a lot of things is going on around us. Now we are in the middle of our Canadian tour and I must say it is an amazing and unforgettable experience for us. We are also proud to say that until now our new album The One Inside receives very good reviews for the fans and critiques. We hope that it will soon appear on the music markets in Asia and USA and are going to do everything we can to make it recognizable all over the world.
2. How was it recording the album The One Inside?
As far as the recording session is concerned I must say it was an extraordinary experience for us. Together with Marc LaFrance we spent three amazing weeks in Warehouse Studio in Vancouver where we were working with the best people in the recording industry. Fortunately the recording session of The One Inside was the second session in the Warehouse Studio so having the experience form making the EP we could fully concentrate on creative work. We have opened our minds to new things and became even more creative. Although we were very well prepared for this session, feeling that positive vibration many thing came to life during the sessions themselves, we have also changed many things and in the end we all could say that this is it.
3. Must be a great feeling to have accomplished certain radio charts with Bondage of Love already?
Entering the radio charts was very important moment in our career. Honestly we do not really feel the success of Bondage of Love. We work hard and do our best to make every song perfect and special. We are determined and we try not to rest on the laurels. All of us hope that not only Bondage of Love will so successful song on The One Inside. We worked hard and we are very proud of each piece on our new album.
4. How is the touring world in your eyes and any future touring plans?
Honestly speaking the tour in Canada is very similar to the European one. Canada is a beautiful country and Canadian fans are just awesome. Apart from the concerts all the members of Chemia are simply a pack of friends. We really enjoy spending time together we love being on the road. On the other hand the tour allows us to focus only on Chemia as some of us are involved also in other smaller projects. Plans? After the Canadian tour we are going back home and play a few concerts in Poland. Then, if everything go well we will soon come back to Canada.
5. What equipment are you currently endorsing, etc.
We use Sunhaiser stuff. Adam Kram, our drummer cooperates with Sabian. Me and Maciek Mąka are especially fond of Gibsons. We also love its vintage models so our trip to Seatlle music stores was a dream come true for us.
6. What would be some of the craziest stuff you’ve seen on tour?
As we are true rock band the crazy things happens to us on daily basis. We rather prefer not going into details as we don’t want to demoralize the readers to much. Only one clue – we love everything about being the rock musician, especially beautiful women around us…
7. What were your earliest influences in life?
For some of us it was really a struggle to finally became the musician and do what one really loves. Rock music was always in our heart and veins, we couldn’t plan it.
8. What would be some of your main influences today?
Each of us has different musical taste and habits but that is the thing that made our mixture so special and creative. Among us we have guys that are fond of heavy metal, grunge and ones that are totally into classical music or jazz. Personally I think this is the reason why we are capable of creating a bit different kind of music, not the one inspired by the certain artists but rather something fully ours.
9. What could we find interesting in your music collection at home?
I have a big collection of Aerosmith albums among which I have also bootleg editions form all over the world. As each of us has different musical taste we very often exchange albums. Apart from that we all like classical music. In my case it is Mozart that I like most.
10. Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician on tour?
You should rather ask about the night on the tour. But seriously speaking, we have to preserve a discipline. Such tour is a lot of work. Our day is extremely long as we have to stay up early in the morning and we went to sleep few hour before that. We try not to overdose and drugs. However when we play we are professionals, we take our fan seriously – we exist for them. No matter how big the audience is – 10 or 1000 – we always go all out.
11. Where do you see music going in 100 years from now?
Every musician want to be remembered, become a legend. So as we do. On our website you can find our credo – that we want to create the best song in the world. Obviously it impossible as there are plenty of great songs. However still we will do our best to create it and we dream to succeed.
Extra questions with Wojtek Balczun from Chemia
Life without music would be WOULDN’T BE
Favourite sport SOCCER
Favourite food SUSHI
Favourite car MINI PACEMAN
CD or Vinyl BOTH
Star Wars or Star Trek STAR WARS
PC or Mac MAC
Check out Chemia online https://www.facebook.com/chemiasound