Buried In Verona Interview with Brett Anderson singer for Metalcore band Buried In Verona. Interview July 27, 2015.
Buried In Verona Interview
– What’s new in the world of Buried In Verona?
Well we recorded an amazing album which we are all super proud of, turned our fate from ending the band to pushing for another shot in making a career in music and just had a massive shift from negative attitudes and thoughts from our rough few years into positive actions and new beginnings.
– How was it recording your album Vultures Above, Lions Below?
It was a really emotional and cathartic time for us but especially me, I really needed to get a lot of shit out, and let go of a lot of shit that had really built up over the past couple of years. This was the most creatively freeing and supportive BIV album recording experience we have ever had and i think that’s why the end result is so amazing. It’s by far the best thing we have ever done.
– Where did the concepts and ideas come from for shooting the video “Can’t Be Unsaid”?
It was basically meant to reflect a journey through many different landscapes and emotions to a final point of no return, let go of the negatives holding you down and move forward in a positive way. Live your life as best and happy as you can or face falling into a much deeper negative state of mind which many of us in the band nearly weren’t able to get out of.
– Are the equipment and instruments used on stage mostly the same as the ones used on the albums?
Yes we always match our sound live as close as we can to our album sound. We feel it gives a better experience to the crowed and us hearing a familiar tone and sound live.
– How many shows do you play per year on average, and how crazy does the schedule get?
Apart from a rather large break recently to try and write and record an album and also get the band back on track financially, normally we are constantly touring with maybe a month most in between tours. That’s what we love to do so it fits us perfectly and will be back to touring the globes as much as we can very soon.
– Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician on tour?
Depends on the tour really – if there are large drives between states or countries you basically drive, set up, play, pack down, party, sleep haha but even when the schedule is crazy you always find time to do and see amazing things and make life long friends on the road. We are very lucky people.
– What would be some of your main musical influences today?
I can only speak for myself but still to this day I have to say Slipknot, Korn, BMTH were a big part of my musical journey.
– What would we be surprised to find in your music collection at home?
Probably Beyonce, Katy Perry and other amazing vocalists as I really respect the art of singing. Although they are quite pop they still have amazing voices and the melodies etc in their more organic more soulful songs are amazing.
– Where do you see music in general going in 100 years from now?
I’m hoping we are coming back around to realizing that real music that will last a hundred years comes from injecting emotion and truth into songs and music in general. I hope we find the connection in music again in a mainstream format instead of a 2 minute celebrity from a TV show with a song that lasts 15 seconds in peoples minds.
– Any words of wisdom to share with aspiring artists?
Be yourself, be honest and don’t set any boundaries while writing your music. If its good music that’s it, it doesn’t have to conform to a style or a scene. One more thing that nearly ended our band is make sure you can trust the people around your band, always handle your band money yourselves and self manage until it just isn’t feasible to do so, that’s when you know you are ready for the next step and someone will come to you.
Check out Buried In Verona online https://www.facebook.com/thenotoriousbiv