A.D.D. Interview with drummer Jason Delismon. A.D.D. Analog Digital Disorder is a hard rock band from Chicago, IL. Jason Delismon talks Core album.
A.D.D. Interview
– What’s new in the world of A.D.D.?
March 24th is our Worldwide debut of our 2nd release “Core” through Pavement Entertainment. There will be a new video coming out just before the release and we will also be touring a lot this year supporting our new album.
How was it recording your album Core?
It was a long process, but it was very fun being able to display our influences through the recording process and displaying new levels of creativity and diversity.
– How did you go about making the artwork?
We had Stephen Jensen From F3 Studios help us with the layout. He also did our band photos.
– When writing a song, is there such a thing as investing too much time?
Through band chemistry we are able to collaborate ideas.
– What is the strangest inspiration you’ve ever had for a song?
Nothing so far, but maybe on the next album.
-Vinyl is making a comeback. Do you have a personal preference? Is your band producing on vinyl?No, we are releasing physical CDs as well as a digital release.
– How many shows do you play per year on average, and how crazy does the schedule get?
We play about 50+ shows or more a year. At times it can get crazy, but the goal is to stay busy.
– How important are music videos in the industry today? How do they compare to videos from 20 years ago?
Videos are very important these days. We are not as reliant on MTV as in the past but the internet access ability offers more promotional opportunities.
– In your opinion, which album would be essential to have if someone were stranded on a deserted island?
Metallica (…and Justice for all), Anthrax (Among the Living)
Check out A.D.D. Online https://www.facebook.com/Analog.Digital.Disorder