David Reece Interview 2020

– What’s new in the world of David Reece? Spending time working on projects with the current lockdowns?

Greetings and thanks for taking time to let me share my thoughts and what I’m up to of late. I’m currently on lock down here in the north of Italy where it’s a very bad situation. We are losing people daily and the virus seems to still be rampaging amongst the people. I and my family are currently healthy and doing everything the government asks of us but unfortunately I hear daily about people still wandering around and not taking this seriously? I’m writing new songs at the moment as you can imagine there is plenty to write about as I’m not a cliche lyricist I tend to write about what’s going on in my head and around me. I’ve recently finished the new album for John Steel in Bulgaria its really great! I’ve done lots of shows with them and consider them to be great friends. It is scheduled for 2020 release but with the current situation I’m not sure which month? I’ve also done an 80’s type rock album with Stefan Georg which I’m told will be released April 1 this year. I’ve enjoyed doing outside projects for years but I’ll focus more on doing my solo thing from now on and consider outside projects as they are offered. 

– How was it recording your album Cacophony of Souls?

As I mentioned last August I’d done 3 shows with John Steel in Bulgaria and flew directly to Supermihl studios in Germany it’s Andy our guitarists studio and began recording vocals. 

The process was great as Andy is a craftsman arranger and great producer so it took about 10 days to complete the vocals. We’d written the songs prior and had played Blood on our hands and Metal Voice live so I and the boys were well prepared. 

– How is it for you to maintain your voice as you have a very strong vocal range?

Rest and attitude! No alcohol and I strongly suggest every singer to take voice lessons as it’s helped me. I’ve learned as I age my strengths and limits one thing I’m not interested in is guys especially trying to show off their ability to hit all the high notes as possible in a song why? Sing the song give it a voice not gymnastics. 

– How important is artwork for singles or albums?

I’m not sure? Songs are first in my opinion but of course artwork is nice if it coincides with the mental and physical imagery created by a song. My artist Randashi created the artwork for Cacophony of souls and he’s done several music videos for me. He’s currently working on a video for Chasing the shadows. He also played Rhythm guitar on the song Metal Voice he’s a very talented good human being and I’m proud to call him a friend. Also his brother Martin and Angela (she does our merchandise) they’ve been part of my journey. Another great person who’s been building the Reece brand is Toni Sambora a true friend and also very creative. 

– When writing a song, is there such a thing as investing too much time?

Yes, if a song doesn’t immediately grab you and have a good shoving off point I’ve found you mostly are unable to make it better. There’s a lot of people who intentionally reverse riffs from hit songs and steal lyrics by changing a few words here and there which I detest frankly. Of course I suppose we’ve all borrowed a thing or two in our day but those who go out and directly do it I really dislike because it isn’t real. 

– With all the live broadcasting happening online will you be making some soon?

I’ve though about it? I’m separated from each band member and I’m a terrible guitar player so with the possibility of say? A group type live thing from different countries we’re backing off of the idea. I will however continue to do videos updating the status of Italy and my career. 

– What would we be surprised to find in your music collection at home?

For me I’ve got a collection of Steely Dan records, Crosby Stills Nash and Young I listen to often because frankly they are genius song writers and for vocal rehearsals I find it challenging to work with the harmonies. 

– How important is it for a musician in this generation to spend time on social media?

It’s the norm, I like it and I don’t to be frank. There are a lot of haters out there who have the power to report you on say Facebook if they dislike you saying I’ve been offensive and violated their standards! Who are these people? What’s happening to freedom of speech is it really free anymore? On the other side it’s a necessity to promote your music to the masses as we’re all connected to it so I am using that outlet. There seems to be a lot of opinionated folks out there on the net and it’s cool but to report someone because you don’t agree? I say get a life. 

 – With the music industry shutting down presently. How are you dealing with these issues?

Again I’m writing, I don’t drink or do drugs I’m trying to do home workouts eat healthy and keep a positive attitude. One thing about social media it’s allowed me to reach out and do wellness checks on those I care for. I’m also waiting on bookings to resume to promote my new album we’re slowly remaining optimistic that fall we can get running again. 

– Thank you for taking the time in doing this interview. Wish you all the best.

Thank you for everything and I wish you and your readers health and happiness we’re all in this together 

David Reece https://www.davidreeceofficial.info/home


