King Parrot Interview with singer Matt Young. Interview July 3, 2014.
Questions and Answers
Life without music would be: Stress free, hassle free, free… oh no wait, that’s life with out the music business! Life without music would fucking suck!
Favorite Artist or Band: Black Sabbath
Favorite Concert: Download UK
Favorite Album: At the moment its still Carcass – Surgical Steel
Favorite Actor: Peter Dinklage
Favorite Movie: Reservoir Dogs
Favorite Sport: Australian Rules Football
Favorite Food: vegan wraps made to my specifications with salad, vegie schnitzels, onion, mushroom beetroot relish, tahini, avocado and salt and pepper.
Favorite Drink: water or Ginger beer on special occasions
Favorite word: Appreciate
Favorite Car: Any car that I’m not driving is my favourite.
Favorite Book: X-Ray by Ray Davies of The Kinks
Horror or Comedy: Both together is my favourite
CD or Vinyl: Vinyl
Star Wars or Star Trek: Neither
PC or Mac: Mac
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Favorite vacation spot: Spain
Cats or dogs: Cats
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook
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