Kyle Gruninger, for Canadian aggressive Melodic Rock group Incura. Interview March 11, 2013
Incura Interview
1. How was the writing process for the latest Incura self-titled album? Great! Incura writes as a collective unit. It takes everyone putting 100% of everything they have into the parts to really make the record sound how we want to.
2. What were some of the influences used for the Incura album? Iron Maiden, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Genesis.
3. Any tours coming soon for the band? We Got back from Germany this summer and hit the road right away headlining our own Canadian Tour. We will be heading to Toronto for Canadian Music Week here soon as well.
4. When writing a song is there such a thing as investing too much time? The song will never be exactly perfect… I could sit and work on parts for ever… but there comes a point where ya gotta mix it down and put it out… that or the budget runs out.. hahaha
5. What do you think of promo videos nowadays with everything going on YouTube? YouTube is now also being considered when looking at the top songs on the billboard top 100, also its one of the biggest ways people listen to music now..YouTube is Very Important
6. Would you say the overall music scene online is getting better with the economy? I don’t know if the Economy has anything to really do with it… people will always buy amazing music. If you work hard enough and tour enough, and do it because you love it….
7. What were your earliest influences? Musicals my parents took me too, as well as anything my dad bought from” Columbia house” I was a metal head mostly while growing up
8. What could we find interesting in your music collection at home? Ghost Face Killa is what I’m spinnin’ as i write this … interesting?
9. Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician on tour? Wake up at the hotel… Call for a late checkout… go to subway and eat, drive to the next town for sound check at 5 pm…Go to Subway and eat.. come back and play the show, Drink Jack, eat whatever you can find… hope you find a place to sleep… Repeat
10. Where do you see Music in 100 years from now? I don’t know if we have that long left on this planet if we keep treating it the way we do…. 100 years music will be the same… just dressed a little differently….classical music is timeless :)…
Extra Questions for Incura singer Kyle Gruinger
Life without music would be: quiet
Favorite movie: Pulp Fiction
Favorite sport: Judo
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite drink: JACK
Favorite saying: Do what you love, not what your’re told
Favorite car: Ferrari f 40
Favorite book: Dragon Lance
Star Wars or Star Trek: both… but star wars…. but both.. but really star wars
PC or Mac: Mac