Charly Steinhauer, vocals and guitarist for Thrash Metal band Paradox. Interview January 3, 2013
Paradox Interview
1. How was it recording the new Paradox album Tales of the Weird?
We enjoyed every moment during the songwriting process we realized, it will be one of the best „Paradox“-albums so far and we could not wait for it to be released. I wrote the songs between august and march 2012. Then we did the recordings in my home studio between april and august 2012. The drums were recorded in a different studio. Words were written by our 5th band member and former ex Vendetta singer Achim “Daxx” Hömerlein. “Tales Of The Weird” is produced by myself and mixed/mastered by Victor Santura. It`s our masterpiece!
2. Who’s concept was it for the album cover?
We have done some brainstorming what we want to mediate and what it could look like. Then we told our cover artist „Claudio Bergamin“ about our ideas and he perfectly implemented our visions….as always. He´s a really awesome artist who never let´s you down. It should remind on our 2nd album “Heresy”. The topic should be about the maya calendar prophecy’s.
3. What were some of the influences used for Tales of the Weird?
Well, i would say it´s a mix of the melodic Bay Area thrash as “Heathen” and “Testament” play and US Power Metal in the vein of “Vicious Rumors” or “Iced Earth”. This is the music we like. A perfect combination of thrash and melody. In the past we called it “Thrash with Class”.
4. What do you think of promo videos nowadays with everything going on YouTube?
I think that´s a good way to promote your band. People share these videos with their friends on social media like „Facebook“ and on this way you reach people that otherwise maybe never would listen to you. And also for us as fans it´s a wonderful thing, you can easily inform you about band sounds and how they are on stage.
5. Any Paradox tours soon in promotion of the album?
We have been planing some touring activity’s but after my heart surgery we have to wait and see how good and fast i recover. We´d love to come back on stage. Cause i think we have a wonderful line up now and the new songs really need to be played live….
6. Would you say the overall scene in music is getting better?
The world is changing all the time and the music scene as well.. I can´t say if it´s better or not. There have been things that were better in the past and things that are better now (like internet) I think the global scene is coming closer together and this is surely a good thing. Nowadays metalheads have friends all over the world and don´t care if they are Muslims, Christs or Jews. As long as you are a metalhead you are a part of the family…
7. What were your earliest influences?

It starts with NWOBHM, Iron Maiden, Motörhead, Saxon…later on the Bay Area style, with bands like Metallica, Exodus, Testament etc…
8. What could we find interesting in your music collection at home?
Metal from A-Z. There are some rare stuff but to name all would be to much.. Flotsam & Jetsam, Exodus, Nevermore, Psychotic Waltz, Metallica, Megadeth, Exodus, Forbidden, Heathen, Death Angel, King Diamond/Mercyful Fate, Fates Warning, Savatage, Queensryche, Y&T, Kreator, Destruction, Opeth, Hexx, Oracle, Griffin, Evile, and 1000 others :-)
9. Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician on tour?
For me as a singer i have to watch out of my voice. No party’s no alcohol or drugs. This destroys the quality. I like listening to music (ipod), playing some video games, playing guitar to collect some new ideas. Sometimes we like to do sightseeing. After the show we try to spend as much time as we can talking to our fans. We always interested to know what they liked or not. What we could doing better during a live show. Which bands they like as well etc.
10. Where do you see Metal in 100 years from now?
100 years further ;) In my dreams i see a lot of people which are sad that they could not experience the glorious 80`s. I´m pretty sure then there will be some kind of heavy and rocking music and a lot of people who respect handmade Rock´n´Roll. Metal never dies!
Extra Questions for Charly Steinhauer from Paradox
Life without music would be – boring
Favorite movie – Casino
Favorite sport – Soccer (bayern munic)
Favorite food – Italian Pasta/Pizza
Favorite drink – Beer & Vodka Orange, Coffee
Favorite saying – No risk no fun
Favorite car – Mercedes 500, Audi R8
Favorite book – How to stop smoking :-)
Favorite band – Exodus
Star Wars or Star Trek – Star Wars
PC or Mac – Mac