Dave Lombardo an Cuban American drum legend and co-founding member of the American thrash metal band Slayer. Lombardo’s music career has been involved in the production of 29 commercial recordings with bands such as Grip Inc., Fantômas, Philm, and Testament.

– What’s new in the life of Dave Lombardo?
Well…. this year is off to a strong start. I’ve been doing a lot session work and writing, staying very productive. I have a clinic tour coming up soon.. looking forward to that. And I’m really anxious to release my second production with PHILM. It’s titled “Fire From The Evening Sun”.
– In the near future can we expect to see something new from Philm?
~ Absolutely, as I mentioned we have a new album coming out. We don’t have a definite release date but we are hoping before June. We already have 6 songs toward our 3rd album.
– Your drum tones has always been identifiable to you. Is there certain things you prepare in the studio yourself like mic techniques or anything?
~ Not really. No muffling on my tom to give a more open and resonant sound. Other than that I really don’t do anything special. I like to keep everything as natural as possible.

– As a fast drummer, certainly on all your works with Slayer is there special training to be this fit throughout the years?
~ I try to eat healthy (for the most part). I do a lot of walking & skateboarding. No real training to speak of, I just stay off the couch.
– What would be some of the craziest stuff you’ve seen on tours?
~ I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. Lol Pleading the 5th.
– Someday do you see a biography being written?
~ I don’t see someone else writing a biography about me…. but an autobiography is possible.
– What would be some of your main influences today?
~ Lately I’ve been really into all aspects of Funk. The Budos Band etc.. I’ve always been into James Brown, but I’ve been listening to him a lot more lately. I’ve also been reaching into my vinyl collection and listening to some of my favorite Punk albums.. Dead Kennedys, Circle Jerks, Black Flag.
– What could we find interesting in your music collection at home?
~ That’s a hard question to answer, only because there is so much! I am an avid music lover/collector. I have accumulated an impressive amount of records from different parts of the world. You can travel the world.. and my crazed personality on my ipod.
– Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician on tour?
~ It varies from one band to another. If you travel by tour bus or plane you get to the hotel earlier and tend to have more time on your hands. Extreme boredom happens when it’s like that, so I’ll do a lot of walking and exploring the city. If the band is traveling in a van it’s a little more hands on. Definitely more work because you have to do your own driving, but it can be a lot of fun. A typical day would be, arrive, check in to the hotel (if we have one that day), rest a little, sound check, dinner, interviews, meet ‘n’ greets with press, contest winners and such, show, get on the bus and head either to the hotel where we will have an early lobby call… or just head to the next venue. It tends to be a blur.

– Where do you see music going in 100 years from now?
~ Everyone will likely still be trying to figure out how Zeppelin (for example) achieved such a raw sound. If they lose the computers and get back to natural talent I think we just might have chance to bring back the magic that inspired us all in the first place.
More questions with legendary drummer Dave Lombardo
Life without music would be: Horrible
Favorite movie: Scarface
Favorite sport: Sex with my girlfriend
Favorite food: Cuban
Favorite drink: Coffee
Favorite saying: Always forward… never step back, not even to gain momentum
Favorite car: My Mustang GT
Favorite book: Havana Nocturne by T.J. English
Favorite band: Too many to choose just one
CD or Vinyl: Vinyl
Star Wars or Star Trek: Twilight Zone
PC or Mac: Mac
Check out Dave Lombardo on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dave-Lombardo/124433877627819
Dave Lombardo on Twitter https://twitter.com/TheDaveLombardo
Philm Official Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/PHILMOfficial
The Official Philm Twitter page https://twitter.com/PhilmOfficial
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